European habitat types in the Life green valley project

For the Life green valley project we made information sheets of European protected habitat types, video's of nature management and interactive drawings.

The information sheets are available in Dutch, English and Polish. The three language versions have the same basic text but differ in the details.

  • The Dutch version was written from a Flemish perspective and can be found on web pages in ecopedia.
  • The English version is more general and can be downloaded below in pdf
  • The Polish version is from the Polish perspective and can be downloadable in pdf.

The texts may be used freely provided the source is acknowledged. Images are copyrighted and not free to use.

Alkaline fen (7230) (Geert Gerard)


Biomassa uit natuurbeheer, mogelijkheden en uitdagingen

Maaisel mogen we niet zomaar laten liggen op de graslanden en moerasvegetaties. Vele typische graslandplanten verdragen geen opstapeling van maaisel en daarenboven streven we een schrale bodem na.

Biomass from nature management, opportunities and challenges

The nature management in grasslands and forests within the LIFE Green Valley project releases four types of products (also known as management residues)1:

The nine habitat types

Interactive drawings

We made interactive drawings to discover the habitat types:

We also have interactive drawings (only in Dutch) of the Atlantic acidophilous beech forests (9120) and the Lowland hay meadows (6510) made within the Life BNIP project(opent nieuw venster)

Drawing of a brook forest, 91E0 (Geert Gerard) (Geert Gerard)

This page received financial support from the EU-life programme(opent nieuw venster) more specifically from the LIFE Green Valley project.(opent nieuw venster)